It's been a long time since I've been on here.
Time has gotten away from me.
Birthdays, Children sick (taryn just got over Scarlett Fever) and I've just had my tonsils out a couple of days ago.
What's new....~ The new catty starts July 1st.
Per ordering of them from me is $7 a catalogue.
~ Stamp club is starting in July I still have a couple spaces left if you are intersted...
Each month we get together and make 3 projects. Including learning at least 1 new technique per month
Each person in the group is required to order a minimum order of pruduct each month ($30 if we have 6 club members , $20 if we have 8 club members)
a person from the group is considered the "hostess" for the month.
In your hostess month - you receive through club, the level one hostess set of your choice and $20 in free merchandise. If you want to increase your workshop total during your month, you can host a workshop that month (we need to plan ahead if you want to do this) and/or collect outside orders from friends/family.
This will be the best way to maximize your benefits and get more free stuff.
This approach enables us to ensure everyone is getting the same hostess benefits even in months like Feb/Mar where orders increase because of Sale-A-Bration or around new catalogs.
I know it sounds all very confusing….but I have all the technical part worked out.
You will also recieve your new catalogue free.
With the release of the new catalogue comes the
"Last Chance List" This it the list of things will not be carried over into the next catty.
You can view that list
hereI received my preorder paper in the mail today. The new IN Colours are richer than last years. Takes some getting used to but should be good.
There are some lovely stamp sets in the new catalogue this time around as well.
Pricing has gone up on somethings, so if there was something you were holding out now might be the time.
There is a fantastic Deal on a starter kit if you are interested in becomeing a Demonstrator. The Kit has a 450 value - you can pick and choose the stamp sets you want to start with and coordinating ink/paper etc. For $249.
I started as a demonstrator because I was spending a fair amount of money each month in stampin Up product. Becoming a demonstartor gave me a chance to see the new product (sneak peeks) before anyone else and to order them ahead of time. I also always get a minimum of 20% discount on my orders. The first order you place as a demonstrator you get a 30% discount. I waited to place my first order until after I had done a workshop and with the commission from that and my 30% discount I essentially got my big shot for FREE.
If you are interested in becoming a demonstrator or would like more information feel free to contact me or you can also check out
hereThat's all for now.
Remember, everyone can be crafty sometimes...